God, our makers is like a kind who first humbles a man with long suffering before releasing his blessings, so that such a man will never be proud but to remain humbled and respectful to Him and his fellow humans. He will give you all the good things of this world after He had finished training you through some levels of processes, adversity and long suffering.
Never have you regretted the way you were made, because God had a special purpose of making you like that and remember, it took Him many processes before making you. He went into so many processes in creating all sorts of things you ought to enjoy, after which he finish making you, hence God did not first made man but was under process before finally brought forth man into being; to glorify His holy name, in reflection of His true image on earth crust. Meanwhile, God packaged you the way you are so as to market you the way you were. Everyone I know as a great person, either in business, ministry, politics, media or entertainment industry, or whatever area of life, which has truly steps into sustainable greatness, went through series of process before mounting to that realm of greatness.
However, there is no shortcut to greatness; you must pass through some level of process. Hence anyone that preaches to you, that there is a spiritual shortcut you can navigate in a hurry unto greatness, let me tell you, that way is witchcraft, and it can never be genuine and durable at all. Meanwhile, you pray to receive grace to go through the process, because many young people of this generation don’t like passing through, a long process, once you mention process, they will start shivering. But they never see behind their back, to capture the reflection of the glowing greatness awaiting them after a certain process. I must tell you, out of experience, anytime you enter into a good air conditional car; you feel relaxed and enjoy it. Notwithstanding, let me ask you; do you think such a car was made in a hurry! it can`t be so; they went through critical series of process before producing such a fantastic and wonderful automobile.
The laws of process have cheated many people, because they were ignorant and know it not. It takes time for true destiny to arise, so do not let anybody deceive you. You must be subjected under serious realm of process, before rising as a great personality. Let us see through some of this laws that I got, which man must be subject to, so as to emerge into his glorious destiny.
(It takes time for a true destiny to manifest; hence the first law of the process states that: “the rate of your patience towards your glorious destiny is directly proportional to the sudden greatness awaiting you in the future”. Some people say that there is no hurry in life, yes even God told us in His Holy book, not to worry about tomorrow neither should we rush about it, so we could not be knocked down with confusion and delusion on what the tomorrow will bring of itself. You ought to have a spirit of being patience in some certain things you pursue in life, which your greatness will emerge from it. If you rush it, you may lose it. You wait until your orange is ripe before you go pluck it or if pluck unripe, you be the one that will lose its sweet taste and enjoy the sour taste coming out of it.
(Again, I will like to put on another dimension of process in this manner, this second experience which I have gone too deep to examine, and find out that it is beyond a hypothesis, so I assume it to stand as a law under this particular topic. Hence it states that: “the process of your positive thinking creates an avenue in which you will ride unto your greatness but the reverse brings calamity upon men”. Your thoughts are replica of your heart desires, so it stands that whenever you are only thinking about positive things, you will see that your life will be attracting only the good things of this life but when all you just imagine is negativity, it will surely come visiting you uninvited and unexpected.
I have gone so far to capture that what put men into thinking of negative things happening, in the process of their arrival into greatness is nothing but fear; sister Mary Tricky once said that “fear is the faith that it won`t work out”. Even at that, I will like also to shock you with the fact that, the one guaranteed factor limiting your potentials and weakening your spirit, when passing through process of your greatness is also attributed to fear. The spirit of fear will come close at the verge of your greatness preaching to you that; you can`t do this, you can`t just reach that extent, you are not qualified and have not the capability to do it. And sometimes, you are too blind to admit such an evil thought, forgetting that you are born with a great potential and divine destiny, now I remember what John Mason said, and I think I will leave you now with that incredible word of wisdom, he said and I quote; “Go farther than you can see. Don’t just look at the present. Think unthinkable thoughts, see where no one is looking and take action before it`s obvious”.
Any man who just passed through the gateway to his focused target is not yet a successful person. Success is the outcome of your passed hard work. Hence, never celebrate your passed success, forgetting the future success, which is designed to make you greater and honorable than others. However, God do not count on your past achievements and celebrate not your present success, instead appreciates your future success.
A wise man focuses on the areas he never succeeded in and never relies on his past achievements. In addition, plan to succeed and not to concede on your previous results.
Again, always be a man of your word, for any action you do not take at the appropriate time, will bring you disaster in nearby future. Even if you failed, keep trying. The true source of prosperity can be attributed to failure, yes! failure. let me shock you again by telling you boldly that failure activates success and it’s also the manure for your greatness and prosperity as well. You do things better when you might have found many ways of doing it, and the truth is that you cannot go for another way of doing things if is it that the initial couldn’t work out. Sometimes it’s not good just to think and take some things as they are but rather to the way they were.
Ubalu Chijindu Joshua
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