Here comes the almighty king of Ohodo kingdom, this two of my sons are very brilliant. Umuoka my first born child is very intelligent but Uwelu, the second is more wise, I think is the right time I have to called them to …… the right way they should live their lives as they continue to grow on a daily basis.
The two began to grow and continued to wax strong in wisdom. Nkere my queen, you have been a tower of strength to me for many years now, even though we are getting…….but before we join our ancestors, I will like us to join hands and call two of our sons to advice them, you know, you women know some soft words to use on them so they can understand the best way they have to take after us. Nkere was in seventh Heaven on hearing this from her husband, King Aba of Ohodo kingdom. My husband, I have long thought of this having noticed of their high level of wisdom among them and I also think that there is going to be……..among them after we are no more.
Although the king and his wife did called them and one of the servant in the palace so as to stand as a witness. Umuoka you are my first born child, the head to the throne of this kingdom, you are to take after me. Am going to bless you the more before I die, when you have treated your brother well and shown him kindness. But to you Uwelu, the King continued, I give you my word today, always obey your brother and you will see to my blessing as well before I join my ancestors, show him respect and live your life in humility before him and to every other person, called your senior.
Both paid but little attention to the advice of their father, thinking that what they have upstairs is beyond that of their father and Nkere their mother. They all went ahead living their lives in the way that pleased them, neglecting all the effort their father wasted in advising them on which way to live in peace and harmony. It is true that the both used to have a good time as brothers but more, while they were still younger. The relationship started accelerating slowly while they grow older.
Uwelu, come tell me what your dreams for the future could be like, Umuoka asked!, I will like to be the president of our country, Uwelu answered him in a jiffy, umuoka was punch-drunk on hearing this and looked still. Oh now I see, where and what you are up to, to rule of me! Notwithstanding that you are my junior; he thought this in his mind. Uwelu, you are nothing but a dumbbell, Umuoka continued thinking evil against his brother. While he is still in the spirit thinking……….his phone fell off from his hand. Then uwelu notice that his elder brother is not with him and thought immediately in his heart that the prince is up against his dreams. Umuoka my elder brother, are you……are you sure you are alright, because with no doubt, I can testify that there is something going on in your mind. Am alright the prince replied, am just thinking on how you are going to………when you become the president of our nations in years to come. 2. Having heard my own dreams, now tell me your own dreams. I want to know your dreams apart from becoming the next king of Ohodo kingdom. Uwelu keep asking his elder brother; tell me your earnest dream, if not kingship mantle. I will like to be a priest when I grow and finish my academics. Definitely, I want to be a priest so I can……on ruling my people as the bravest king ever seen in our kingdom. I don’t know whether you mean what you just said now, my prince, you must be joking, I and you know clearly that have not ever happened in the history of our kingdom. Don’t you know that our people will not………because it never happened before, that the king will as well be a priest. It is never the duty of the king to be either in the…….or ….but to be in the palace and attending to the issue of the people. On hearing all these, umuoka the prince, became very angry with his brother. Uwelu my dear brother, I see you are jealous over my enormous dreams, but let me tell you to your hearing very clear that you cannot stand against my destiny nor can be able to thwart them. You wants to avert me of my dreams, umuoka take it so high on little uwelu and they had a misunderstanding that very day. Aba, the king heard them nagging in the palor, the king came out from the other room. What is it this time my sons, why both of you are……none replied to the query of the king their father. Alright, I think I know the right thing to do, the king now went back to his living room.
The evening came, King Aba then gathered his two sons. He kick-off with his strong word of advice. My sons I think it’s high time you both have to change and come down from your high horses and hearken unto my words, follow my words my sons and you will never regret it my sons. Now their father is very serious because he heard that the quarrel is all about their dreams.
Umuoka, you are my first born child, in a very short time, you will take after me, hence becoming the king of this kingdom and I heard that you want to be a priest after becoming a crowed king of ohodo. My son am very glad on hearing this, your dreams is awesome but… ought to be listening to my words, so that you will not miss your blessing as my first born child. You and your junior brother uwelu have great dreams for the future but you have not to take my words in vain. Remember what the Holy book said; ‘obey your father and mother, that your days maybe long here on earth. Am not against any of your dreams but you two have to listen to your father now for you to go far in life. My sons, Aba their father continued, nobody can help you can help you without you and everything that involves your life is as permitted by you.
Notwithstanding, my great sons, it is true that you both have powerful dreams but while am young and still a gallant youth like you, my own father, ogbodo Aba, used to tell me this; My son yes I know you are full of potentials and strength but I must let you know that ‘a Rome is not built in a day’. Again then I used to hear of my father 3.saying me that a man is not defined by his physical appearance instead by the contents, that hidden treasures in him.
My sons, the king continued with two of his sons; I think it is the right time you have to know, and I have to reveal this some certain principles of life to you, which will enhance that potentials in you and thereby work out your destinies as you have planned. As I can see that the dreams of both of you is heading to leadership….you two should remember this; ‘every great leader is a voracious reader. And every genuine leader reads a lot, not to oppressing people, denying them their human right through some evil philosophical outstanding of overpowering statements. My sons, you see today many leaders that lives in lawlessness, all because they are in power, abstain from evil and never imitate them, in stealing other people’s money and properties. You have seen how I have ruled this kingdom for many years without any black image being painted on me. I put smile in the face of my people on a daily basis and ever since my reign as the king of Ohodo kingdom, none have ever complained of any intimidation or oppression coming through me. Now I beseech you, my able and faithful sons, the leaders of tomorrow, to humble yourself and follow the foot-steps of your father, who have gone very far in life and have seen beyond you on what goes around and comes around. It is true that you both are blessed with wisdom but I your father is……….so both of you have to give ears to my speech this time or you will see to its consequences in years to come. My sons, am saying all these is for you people to still maintain the good image of this family, even when I have gone. Yes! The beauty and glory of any family lies in the hands of the diligent ones.
Daddy we have heard all you have said so far and your initiative words of advice, the prince recommended, we are going to obey and see to all your words, never to be in vain, they all thanked their father and left. In a minute time, Umuoka returned, Father, I have something I will like to ask you, you know as the first son, I am going to take after you, so I need to know……daddy I have seen that everybody respect and fear you in this kingdom like a lion, none ever challenged your authority. Father why is everyone…….even when you treat them so hard they still never made mockery of your leadership in this kingdom. My son, the head to the throne of Ohodo kingdom, what an old man sat down to see even you the child, jump up you cannot see it. I will answer you but not now, just maintain first all I have told you and again continue to live in peace and harmony with your brother, when you have done this, you will see to my blessings before I will join my ancestors. I have heard you father and will leave no stone unturned to ensure that I put to work all you have advice me. I agree to work with your words, Daddy. But please call uwelu in order, because the other day, he brought up an issue that made me so angry with him again, what is the matter my son!, Aba asked his son, Father he have started interfering with me again umuoka lamented, he came to me and told me that I and him is going to share this kingdom into two when you are gone. 4.What!, you can’t mean that my son, that is a sacrilege and the worst of abomination that have never happened in the history of our kingdom and I can’t allow that to have in own my generation. Oh! My son haven’t could have spoken or thought of…….even while am still alive, king Aba fell down and collapse after his painful voice of lamentation. Umuoka then screamed aloud, somebody help! help!, the king is……this cannot happen to me, not this time, not even while I haven’t achieved my dreams, hence never received any of my father’s promises and blessings. He came out to see umuoka the prince, holding their father. You killed him, I know you did that, I already knew that you are a wicked and evil man, uwelu why are you raising an accusation, hence accusing me on a situation like this and you know not what have happened to the king. I don’t want to know what could have happened; you killed our father, uwelu keep accusing umuoka. You…. So you can have your way to the throne, thereby fulfilling your own dream before me. On saying this, their father sneezed and regained his breath again. Uwelu my little son, you have sent me to go visit my ancestors before my time. Uwelu were amazed on hearing this, father…..i don’t know what you are talking about. Yes!, your brother umuoka have told me everything, that you have the intension of……it pains me a lot because you are too young and you don’t know the magnitude of what you are planning. It is a thing that has never happened since the history of our kingdom. And it scratches my heart so painful because you know nothing about the history and the foundation of Ohodo kingdom, do you know what it took our fathers to establish this kingdom you are planning and orchestrating evil to destroy and divide their unity, King Aba can’t stop lamenting, my son; the glory of any man lies in the manifestation of his destiny. Uwelu my son, start now to building and constructing your own dreams and avert this jealousy over the rightful position of your elder brother. He went out slowly. It is true that he have that right but that doesn’t mean that I will get any share of this kingdom when you dies, uwelu talking to himself as we walked away from the sight of his father. Uwelu went stayed in solitude, keep on talking to himself.
King Aba became very sick three days after, he is down with a chronic heart problem. This time, Umuoka the first son used to stay around his father’s bed, looking after him, his interest is not even more in the sickness but in wait of his father’s blessing and for the right time to unveiling many secret in leadership to him before he will join his ancestors. I will not leave here should incase he dies, umuoka said in his heart. Father remember you have…….to reveal to me before anything will happen to you, umuoka now hold his peace no more and spoke loud. My son relax…….I will…… not worry nor trouble your heart anymore over this matter. Have you forgotten that you are my first born son hence, I will not die without your notice, that is the tradition of our kingdom, my son. As they continued, uwelu came in, father……but I hope you are getting more better now. Yes my son the father replied, please go and call your mother for me. So uwelu rushed, leaving their father and umuoka in the room. The heavy rain is about to befall Ohodo kingdom. Uwelu called with a very loud voice; mummy! Mummy!!, but couldn’t 5.receive any answer from his mother. Chima their servant now told uwelu that their mother just went out to go see their priest over the sickness of the king, so the young uwelu rushed after her mother.
Umuoka my prince, you are going to take the throne in no distance time. And as my first born and very intelligent son, I have my confidence in you; you are the strength of my hope. Aba continued with his the prince, am going to unseal that book of strange secret to you today for my days are few on earth. These words, I received from my own father and it is never be told to anyone else. This you too will never let it to the hearing of anyone, till the time of your death, then you will call your first born child and tell him, as I have just called you today. Father your words I will……as you have ordered. That is very good of you my son Aba recommended his son.
Ogbodu, my father left all these things am about telling you now, for me when am also young like you, and ever since then, no man born of a woman ever heard it, not to talk of any woman hearing it. He only told me to share this to only one person, which should be my first born child, and now am to fulfill that mandate.
Ohodo kingdom is a ver large and influential place, full of natural resources and occupied by many talented people. And these brought envy and jealousy by our near by communities. From ages to ages, many kingdoms have come, threatening and even waging war against us. Father why and what are they fighting us….you have asked well my son, the wants to snatch our name “OHODO” from us, but they never defeated us even for once. Father but why fighting to bear our name instead of fighting for our land and properties, umuoka asked Aba his father. My son, I already knew that as a brilliant son, you will ask such. Your name, is your garment and your garment is a symbol of your identity. They are coming after our name so they can overpower us and enslave us, thereby taking all that we have through our name. alright I understand father but I still have to ask you, how do your kingdom used to defeat them then, umuoka asked his father again. Oh! My son, you have asked like a brave man you used to be. I will answer you this but remember…….this Is the most secret holding the glory and power of this land. During those days, we never lose any of our people in time of war. Our enemies, on seeing that we have a higher powerful force fighting for us, they will now withdraw. The name of this spirit is called Ezikechima, this is the spirit our ancestors worshiped which have kept them save in time past. But my son, this spirit is a very angry and a deadly spirit, which requires the head of a king in every fifty years and to heads of cow each six months. So my son when any prince is becoming king in our land, he will embark on a journey to go search on which king to kill and sacrifice his head. Only that way can he be made an undefeatable and fearless king till his death.
Father I have heard it all, but how am I going to get the head of a king, umuoka asked!, you can achieve that by causing a war and during the war, you can send your 6.spirit guided warriors to go forth and slay the king of that kingdom. My king I understand but it is a very risky battle to fight.
Oh! What are we even talking my king, yes I know what to do, umuoka started panting and began to construct evil in his heart, to kill his dying father, so far he is a king and again about to die. You know what to do, Aba replied to his son, alright just be extremely careful about this issue. Okey father, I will just do as you have said, umuoka lied to his dad.
It was on a very cloudy Friday morning, it is about raining. Umuoka left his mother and brother while they all watch TV, 7am National News, and went into his father’s room while his father lied so helplessly. Despite the ugly situation of their father, umuoka still took courage…….on that evil and ungodly hour, the sound of a never heard thunder and lightning coming through the spirit of their land stroke Ohodo kingdom and a voice of cry followed after that sound; “kill me not and save your people”. At this time the did has been done and umuoka ran out of the house and hid at the back of their gate. Now on hearing the sound, uwelu rushed in to check about their father, and to his surprise is not just dead but his head is nowhere to be found. Uwelu cried deeply and their mother also rushed in to witness what has happened. Aba, the pride of my life, the fearless lion of Ohodo kingdom is gone without saying goodbye. What is this that have happened nkere continued, my husband dead with his head cut off, what an abomination and a calamity is going to fall up this land, the queen keep lamenting. Uwelu my son please go call your father’s cabinet to come and see that the only biggest three of our land have fallen. After some minutes uwelu left, Umuoka returned and pretended, as he never know who poured sand in their food. Mummy what is happening here, father wake up, wake up…..umuoka continued to recruit a fake tears from his eyes but couldn’t,then he keep shouting.
My fellow elders, I never seen this kind of abomination and we have to bury our king in the next seven days because we all know that it is our tradition to do so of anyone who died an abominable death, Ubalu one of the elder spoke. Yes they all agreed. As they are about to go, they heard a shout; please someone help, they all rushed into the room of their prince and found him lying helplessly in the floor, what is it my prince, they all asked. Umuoka the prince said with a low and dying voice, I heard a voice, which stoke me down. What did you hear they all asked the prince; “kill me not and save your people”, on saying this, the prince kicked the bucket, they all felt pitied and as well though could this last statement of the prince be the voice he heard. They encourage their queen and the little uwelu and find their ways home.
Ubalu, one the elders of their land, came back from the palace and began; I think I have to call my son joseph to return from the city and see if he can help our land with the exposition he has gotten from the city. Joseph is alredy a priest, his father called on and told him all that have been happening and he lamented, and replied to his dad, father, please try gather all our people, I will coming back this coming Sunday with one of my colleague, a prophet, so we can save our people. Thank you a lot my son, ubalu thanked his son and rushed, round, telling people…..
It happened on that faithful Sunday night, the whole people gathered and is now ready to welcome joseph and the prophet. At nine pm, the prophet took the stage…..i hear a voice; “kill me not and save your people”, prophet Ebuka began his prophecy…..who is umuoka! He asked, the people answered him, he is the dead prince of our dead king. Now the elders began to murmur, this prophet heard that voice and the same statement our prince made before he died, but this man didn’t die. Prophet Ebuka, on hearing them in the realm of the spirit, told them that they stop murmuring about that because his power is beyond evil death. Today I call all of you to came out and accept my God and you will be saved from this calamity, they all rushed and Prophet Ebuka prayed for them. Today because you all have rejected the evil of the past today this cry of your king will not be heard again in your land. This voice you heard me said; “is the cry of a dead king”. Your king who was killed by his own son, but because you have left your old ways of life, you will hear this voice no more, forever and ever.
Ubalu Chijindu Joshua
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