Thursday, 29 June 2017
The Power Of Concentration: by Ubalu Chijindu Joshua
The Power Of Concentration:
Power; a moral efficacy in which controlling ability is always felt. In this our modern days, is full of impatience and greedy humans, people who always want to be identified, yea! You want to be recognized in the society, aren’t you! It is a good idea but, every good thing never comes out of the blue. There should be sacrifices which have to backup your mental works. I must surely let you know that the most effective sacrifice in this world is moral spiritual sacrifice; what I mean is that ideal sacrifices have to do and is more recognized by you and your God, “spiritual communication”; so that He who sees your labor in the spiritual can reward you openly in the physical realm. For you to be famous and live to be great in this life, you ought to possess this power am talking about here or else, you are just grasping at the shadow, while trying to grab at the substance. The power am talking of is the; power of concentration, that which makes you stand alone and do your things so, multitude could later celebrate you some day.
A man without power of concentration, have nothing to contribute to his society so as to be recognized and honored; a man of concentration is a person of contribution. You can only work and achieve all your desires in life, when you are concentrated and focused. If I may be more logistic in this matter, please just permit me to state this irony of life which I have seen many a times and which kept replaying itself; I have come to a point, discovering that evil people is more concentrated and focused when they are embarking on their evil deeds than the goods, the question left unanswered here right now is; why is it so,,,?.
A focused mind is a concentrated kind. And such a person is always a winner in all his pursuit, being it academic stuffs, business plans or whatever. Why I see him always a winner is because, when he is set to embark on a mission or his personal assignment, he never remembered anything else again except that which he is presently engaging on. His power and the spirit at work in him that time, which made him remember not even his mum, dad, family and friends, so he could just perform a single task; is what I refer to as, power of concentration. When you allow this spirit to possess you and you use them for positive purposes, I assure you that, you gona be famous, honored, recognized and be remember of something worthy of emulation in a certain time to come.
However, to be in the office of concentration and focus, intends that you are to be in the valued system of perception on your mindset; having it in mind that am up to something so different and about to be above others, meanwhile nothing should stand as an obstruction on my way this time, till am done.
Criteria to operating under the hallmark of concentration
(Having many targets but focusing on a single one before the fellow: Sometimes ago, I will be involved in a situation whereby I may have a book to write and at the same time, about having my university exams, in that case, I have two serious agendas to pursue at almost the same period. The truth of the matter here is that I must focus and concentrate much, mainly on one so I can earn an excellent payback at that season. Then in that case, I will go with my exams first because, that have a limited access at that season but for my book to write, I can take hold on it at any time of my choice. Meanwhile I will switch off all my cerebral radiant attraction towards the book, am to write and then face my studies, because medical studies are not a thing of play. So when am done with my exams, I can now flashback to my awaiting inspirational book left undone.
(Seeing nothing beyond what you are dealing with at that moment: This issue at hand arrives to be the most forbid able factor which has lured many people, distracted and ravage the power of their concentration. When you are dealing with a project and you needed to be concentrated, you can do it extremely well but you need to put every other things aside. Yes, you need to see no any other thing as important to you at that period, except God which you have to get involved in everything you are doing, so as to guide you through.
I have to emphasize much on this particular issue because I have seen that devil uses this whole thing to distract many and take their mind away in the necessary thing to do at the moment. You will bear me a witness that it also might or maybe be happening to you, a situation whereby you will be dealing with a very delicate project, and all of a sudden, you will begin to see and remember many other things that have not be done by you, which is also your responsibility, at that time you may start imagining whether to consider that the other one while the one you are already engaged with is the most need at that period, then know it clearly that the father of all lies has enter into the door step of your mindset, knocking to get you distracted from doing that which is the right thing to do at that particular time. But can`t you remember again what the book of Ecclesiastics said; there is time for everything, the time to do the other and leave the rest. Why worrying or considering about that another while you never finish with the other, because if you ask me, I will tell you that it is devil that is putting such thoughts in your mind. so far you are already on the right thing at that right time, please forge ahead till you are totally done with. You should also remember that we have a Father, who has advised us seriously, not to worry about anything, instead pray and tell Him about everything we need.
However, as concern with everyone who is doing and also planning great things, either for your future greatness or something else; thinking of another thing while doing a different thing is a very big distraction. It happens to some men; it is no longer a pretending truth that the most distracting element to men is women, which after it money follows. Why thinking about her even when you are studying your books, you see!, that is the point am trying to bring out here. In the other sense, it occurs also to some ladies; you are thinking about a guy even when you are on your books or doing any other serious thing, don’t you think that, it is a big distraction!. If you may permit me to ask you; is there any way along the line or across the pages of that book you are reading, where the name of that lady or guy appeared?, definitely No!. Then you should concur with me that, it is Satan, the father of deception, who is bringing such a picture to your memory at that instant.
(Relating or having few friends, to chat and mingle with: Yes! Nobody can do without relating with people in this journey of life. And you can also improve through some kind of people you mingle with. But away from that dimension, I have seen and encounter a lot of people, been distracted and unable to concentrate in some certain things, all because they have many people around them which they waste much of their precious time with, either playing games, chatting for so many hour on an unnecessary issues, which have few or nothing to contribute to their own good. Just take time to ask yourself this question; can any second of clock passed in my life time, ever come back? Or do I grow younger as it passes!. Stop wasting your precious time and opportunity with people on issue you clearly know, will not transfer any cash to your bank account or that will not pay you any good at all in growing higher and moving greater in this journey of greatness.
I laugh, to some people around me, when they open their buccal cavity, telling me that they do keep few friends. Alright let me just ask you this; those multitude on your social media; I mean on your facebook, whatsapp page and the rest, to mention but a few, are those ones, ghost! Or not called friends. Please let tell ourselves the truth and stop hiding in the shadow, deceiving ignorant people with such untruthful words of your lips: every time, you tell people, I don’t used to keep many friends but you have thousands already and still accepting many. It wouldn’t have burdened me but it pains that so many of these so called your friend, may have never contributed to your life in any way, instead helping you on spending and wasting much of your time on no account. So, why not just quit such friends so you can admit and work under this realm of concentration I have been lamenting about. You only chat, laugh and lost with them, having nothing to contribute for your generation. But remember: (You are distracted by those that attract you with their backsliding power of concentration. (A man without concentration is of no contribution to his generation. (And he that is with many friends is of much time to waste with many people.
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