*Christ’s Promise of a Great Destiny for Us*
🎤Christ makes an astounding promise to His
followers. “To him that overcomes will I grant to
sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame,
and am set down with my Father in his
throne” (Rev. 3: 21; vs. 14-22). Overcome what?
A whole list of shortcomings that future
monarchs must change in their lives to be holy
enough to be trusted with the King’s business.
But the point here is that somebody– possibly
somebody you know, maybe even yourself–
somebody will be sitting on the throne alongside
Christ during the Thousand Year Reign! In fact,
several overcomers will be granted this precious
In order to be prepared for this high calling, one
must be taught about kingship and how to rule in
righteousness as one of God’s kings. He did say
that He is the “King of kings ” with a little “k.” Did
we honestly think that we would just wake up one
morning and mystically know how to govern with
the Spirit of Christ fully formed in us–us just
hitting the ground, magically knowing how to be a
king in His kingdom? But then most Christians
have never pictured themselves sitting on that
throne with Christ. Most have never heard it
preached. Most just see themselves going to
heaven with no further responsibilities. Really? Is
that all there is?
How do I know this to be the case? Because no
one ever talks about this destiny of kingship. Once
you see it, you will begin to speak excitedly about
Much to Learn
There is such a learning curve. We future kings
must know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
We must understand His secrets, mysteries that
not just anybody can know. He only reveals the
secrets of His spiritual governance of the
universe to his servants the prophets. “Surely the
Lord GOD will do nothing, but He reveals His
secret unto His servants the prophets” (Amos
3:7). Prophets? He wants us to be His prophets?
Yes. We are to be His mouth to utter His
thoughts, His purpose, and His plan to this last
day generation. That is what a prophet of God
does. “But the wise shall understand” (Dan. 12:
10). The wise are those in reverential awe of God
and His purpose and plan.
We are talking about the deep things of God, the
things kept secret from the foundations of the
world, even the hidden mystery, hidden from
“ages and from generations,” and that mystery is
“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Matt. 13: 35;
Col. 1: 26-27). Christ formed in us. Love fully
formed in us (Gal. 4: 19).
There is much to learn to fulfill this destiny–to
have the Spirit of Christ fully formed in us, with
Him using our bodies to teach, minister, rule, heal,
and administer righteousness in His kingdom of
righteousness. There is much to learn.
Prince Charles of Great Britain has been preparing
to become king for decades. How much more
should the future overcomers be educated and
prepared to rule with Christ?
We must learn the mysteries of the parables,
which contain the aforementioned secrets of how
God will reign in His kingdom. And to learn them
we need one of the offices of God to instruct us.
We need a teacher of God who is specifically
trained for imparting this knowledge (Eph. 4: 11).
After all, we needed our elementary school
teachers to teach us the fundamentals of reading,
grammar, composition, math, history, and science.
How much more do we need a teacher, ordained
and sent from God, to teach us the foundational
teachings that will prepare us in humility to be
elevated to such a high position in His
Yet, most people know very little about His
kingdom, which happens to be the true gospel
(Mark 1: 14). God’s people are “destroyed for lack
of knowledge” (Hos. 4: 6). Most only believe what
they have been taught: get saved, escape hell, and
go to heaven, and try to tell others the same.
This limited vision of the kingdom of God closes
up all the secrets and mysteries of God from
entering one’s mind. Vast passages in the Bible
are closed to the people because of this narrow
conception of God and His rule. It is difficult for
them to conceive of this truth elucidated in the
scriptures: Jesus Christ (Yahshua), the Son of
God, the King of the Kingdom of God, is coming
back to rule for 1,000 years–right here on earth.
And some of His followers will be ruling
alongside Him.
Nevertheless, for some, this message will
resonate with hope in becoming one of His rulers
sitting on the throne with Christ. Some it will not.
Christ did say, “He that has an ear to hear, let him
hear what the Spirit says” (Rev. 3: 22). If a person
is able to comprehend this message, then let that
person do it.
The point is this. No matter what one’s spiritual
growth is, no matter how far they are destined to
grow spiritually in Christ–God’s plan and purpose
is for them. It is bread and meat for the hungry
soul. And so let those so inclined eat at the
Master’s table and learn of Him. And it all starts
with knowing His eternal purpose of reproducing
and multiplying Love, which is God, and knowing
His plan to implement this purpose.
But His plan is not for just our little life, but for
the whole universe. For this is His vision , of His
plan, to fulfill His purpose, comprised of His
Thoughts from His Mind, and poured into the
Word, and translated into the Seed. And the Seed
was made flesh and dwelt among us. And the
Seed was God, and the Seed was Love. And the
Seed germinated in the fertile soil of good and
honest hearts, and it grew as a tree and grew and
grew until it filled the whole earth with Love. And
this is all contained in the Mind of the Son of
God. Hallelujah!
*Kenneth Wayne Hancock*
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