Wednesday, 12 July 2017

*Dengue fever treatment protocol*

*Dengue fever**treatment protocol*
*Prof. Sasikumar Nechiyil*

Highly polluted surrounding especially from meat and fish waste
Charaka says about Mashaka visha (Mashaka means Mosquito) categorized under Keeta visha. The Keeta (Vector) emerged from such surrounding where the meat waste is dumped may have high toxic effect and should be managed with the protocol of Mandali visha chikitsa. Mandali visha is complicated with hemorrhages.
Also  “Charaka” & The Australian philosopher “Ivan Illich” have the same opinion that Public health is nothing but a political issue.
*So, What is Dengue according to Ayurveda?*
Agantu-Keetavisha-Vishama-Sannipaata, Pittadhika Jwaram
If we addresses all these fraction dengue will be under control within no time
Waste management as per Janapadodhwamsaneeya

*1)* Development of fever due to Keeta damsha, the Praavrut ritu with Pitta predominance aggravate pitta and develop sannipata jwara with pitta predominance.
*a) *At first Agada* should be given which is applicable in Keeta visha
Koshatakyadi , Vilwadi gulika, with tulasi juice and honey
*b) *To control Jwara*- (establishing with redness or rashes of the body, body pain and head ache)
I) Indukantham Kashayam with guloochyadi – to make Indukantham more pitta samana- twice in a day
ii) Gorochanadi gulika-0r Mukkamukkatukadi or Masoori gulika with Malli and Jeeraka ( Coriander and Cumin seeds) Fried a little and boiled with water to reduce half and filter it , mix with one pill and give twice in a day- This type of Kashayam is Laghu in property and can be given at first phase of Samprapti in Jwara.
Give four hourly the Following combination with 10 Drops of ginger juice and honey-
iii) Rasasindooram- 25 mg+ Pravala bhasmam- 100mg + Abhra bhasmam- 50 mg
As Rasasindooram is very safe to liver it is the best remedy. Along with Pravala and Abhra it is more pittasamana and Pachana
Better to avoid such drugs which effects the liver function
*c) *To control head ache-*
Kachuradi Talam with milk or put on fore head and keep it wet by dropping milk on
This also help to keep the away from developing seizures
*d) To make Tarpana*
Give shadanga panam or Drakshadi paanam with Bhoori Pancha saara ( Brown sugar) or Honey
(This will keep the body system intact even in high temperature)
Give Peya with- Dhanyaka, Sundhi ( very less), and Pippali) , Rise or laajaa
*e) When platelets count diminishes*
Navajeevan rasam twice in a day with milk
Rasasinduram 20mg with Kaseesa bhasmam 250mg four hourly with ginger juice and honey
Vasaguloochyadi Kashayam with drakshadi kashayam give as paanam
*If constipation is there*– better to give Patolaadi Ganam kashayam
Continue the liver protection drugs even after curing the fever as *Rasayana*
As it is a vishama jwara possibility of relapsing is there.
*Pathya* ; follow the jwara chikitsa

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